Permian Basin Railways | Central Car Repair | Industrial Development | Isla Largo | Passenger and Excursion Services | British Railways |
Southeast New Mexico
Southeast Arizona
South-central Colorado
West Texas
Northern Illinois
Western Oregon
Railcar Storage
Rail Freight Service
Rail Transloading
Freight Car Repairs
Rail Passenger Services
Real Estate Leasing
Freight Logistics
Fleet Management
Locomotive and Car Leasing
Track Maintenance and Repair Services
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Iowa Pacific HoldingsIowa Pacific Holdings (IPH) was formed in March 2001 to acquire railroads and create rail-related businesses. IPH has focused on smaller feeder railroads with annual revenues of $10 million and less. IPH has successfully acquired and operated six railroads – while working to increase their value to rail customers and the communities they serve, through improvements in services, facilities and equipment. IPH formed Permian Basin Railways (PBR) to acquire the Texas – New Mexico Railroad and the West Texas & Lubbock Railway in May 2002. In December, 2004, PBR acquired Arizona Eastern Railway. In December 2005, PBR acquired the San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad. Chicago Terminal Railroad opened in 2006 and Mount Hood was acquired in 2007. British American Railway Services, including the Dartmoor Railway and the Weardale Railway, opened in 2008. IPH management is a diverse group, collectively with hundreds of years of rail-industry experience. IPH managers have backgrounds with class I railroads, shortlines, Amtrak, railroad supply, intermodal, trucking companies; transloading, car repair and much more. With such wide-ranging expertise, IPH is uniquely capable of devising creative solutions to transportation problems. IPH continuously seeks opportunities to increase rail freight business on its railroads through growth of existing traffic, adding contiguous lines, relocation of new customers on-line or in conjunction with trucking to non-rail-served sites. In addition, IPH continues to explore expansion of its portfolio through development of passenger business, car storage, car repairs, car leasing, property development, as well as continuing to seek additional rail acquisitions. Office InfoBusiness Office |